Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's finally time to write about week nine

You know, I have to be honest, I hate writing these blogs days after I am supposed to be writing. This week has been a little hectic for me. I've been too tired or not had any time to write in the evenings. I'm going to keep this one short, sorry if you really like reading these, I'll write more next week, I promise.

I made some goals last week. Here are the goals:

1. Nutrition: I made a goal to limit my portions and to eliminate drinking any soda. I made both of those goals. I did very well at my portion controls and I avoided all sodas. Giving up soda, even though I drink only diet sodas, was pretty difficult for me. I love my drinks. I did find, though, as a side effect that I drank lots of water.

2. Physical Fitness: I did not make this goal. I worked out twice last week. I am starting to feel frustrated with exercise. I would like to workout in the evenings, but haven't been able to find the time. I have either had company coming over or had football practice for Steven or didn't get home until late. I am realizing that the only way that I'm really going to be able to make exercise a daily part of my life is if I do it in the mornings, but I am not a morning person at all, and haven't had the discipline to get up early enough to do that.

3. Weight Loss: I did not make this goal either. I actually stayed exactly the same. I can't expect more, though, when I don't get to exercising.

So, I told you this was going to be short. Here's the final results:

Journey's starting weight: 260
Week's Starting weight: 246 Pounds
Current weight: 246 Pounds
Weight Loss last week: 0 Pound
Total weight loss: 14 pounds
% Weight Loss this last week: 0%
% Weight Loss total diet: 5.4%
Time jogging without stopping: 4:00


Teresa said...

You're looking FINE in week Nine!

Steve said...

wow. Just wow!

Kristin said...

Hang in there, Bose. I know it's tough! But it seems like you're not giving up, and that's a very good thing! As for me, my total weight loss is also 14 pounds. Here's some motivation for ya....let's see who can lose more by Thanksgiving, you or me. Who ever wins gets bragging rights. Whataya say? :)

Roger said...

Just keep bifurcating and all will be well.
I switched from soda to carbonated water.

cognoramus said...

Hey man, you ARE looking a bit skinnier in person, even if you don't notice. Good luck with everything, and stay away from Shoney's!

Steve said...

But I really love shoney's, especially when it's free! They have great salads.

cognoramus said...

Steve, where are the updates???

Steve said...

I have become discouraged and lazy with this stinking diet. I'll start again on Sunday, but I am not happy about my negative progress!